I’ve had a very successful week at my internship. My attorneys are becoming more comfortable with my abilities, so they are giving me more responsibilities. On Thursday I finished a project that was given to me to complete by next week. I first had to complete a case summary, and then I was asked to write a Termination of Parental Rights Timeline of all the important information and the dates of the hearings. This job was tedious because I had to search through the complete case folder to find the important information. When I was finished with that task, I then had to make a copy of every court report and order for that case. This task took all morning to complete. In the afternoon, I was approached by Tobey to complete a task for her once she left the office. She asked me to sort through all of her case folders to find the two most recent orders given by the court. She also wanted me to note the next court date for each case. Having this information compiled into one document would help her organize and stay up -to- date on all of her cases. She has two full drawers of case folders, so I had to work all day today to complete this task. At first this task was challenging because many of the case folders are badly organized. But, once a few of them were completed it was easier for me to know where to look for this information. The task eventually became easier and faster to complete. It still took me from 9:30 to 5:30 to complete though. I put so much time and effort, I hope my attorney appreciates and approves of my work.
Overall, I felt this week was very productive. However, I am looking forward to this weekend so I can actually sleep in past 7:00am. I can’t sleep in too late though because there is always work to do! With a midterm on Wednesday and many other homework assignments, there isn’t much time to relax. Work, work, work! Hopefully I can make it through one more week until we have Spring Break!
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